Recommendations: 2 Sets
Stand or sit comfortably. Cup your left hand over the back of your right hand, with both thumbs pointing towards you. Ensure that there is contact along the entire length of your fingers. This is your starting position. Straighten the fingers of your right hand completely. Provide moderate resistance with the palm of your left hand. Breathe normally. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Stand or sit comfortably. Cup your right hand over the back of your left hand, with both thumbs pointing towards you. Ensure that there is contact along the entire length of your fingers. This is your starting position. Straighten the fingers of your left hand completely. Provide moderate resistance with the palm of your right hand. Breathe normally. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.
Step 1
Sit or stand comfortably, cupping your left hand over the fingers of your right hand.
Stand or sit comfortably. Cup your left hand over the back of your right hand, with both thumbs pointing towards you. Ensure that there is contact along the entire length of your fingers. This is your starting position.
Step 3
Sit or stand comfortably, cupping your right hand over the fingers of your left hand.
Stand or sit comfortably. Cup your right hand over the back of your left hand, with both thumbs pointing towards you. Ensure that there is contact along the entire length of your fingers. This is your starting position.